Bessie and the Herd want to join Susan Reynolds in her fight against cancer. The cowpokes have even made a pea-themed Utterz player that will play all the Utterz posted by the PEAple.
Maybe you've noticed the Peavatars (pea-themed avatars) or various Pea Posts in the last few weeks. Well, these are all made in support of the <a href="">Frozen Pea Fund</a>, a special cause dedicated to breast cancer awareness. Susan Reynolds, a regular contributor, at Twitter found herself diagnosed with cancer, and set about raising awareness for the cause. Soon other Tweeters had joined in, and before you know, one big green snowball was turning into an avalanche of support.
If you want to join in, via Utterz, we've made you two pea-themed players.
Here is the code for the green player:
<object width="400" height="160"><param name="movie"
value="…60-fpf.swf" /><param
oplay=0&wu=NDk1NjI2OQ" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"
/><embed src="…60-fpf.swf"
;autoplay=0&wu=NDk1NjI2OQ" width="160" height="400" wmode="transparent"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
And the code for the white/grey/green player:
<object width="400" height="160"><param name="movie"
value="…0-fpf2.swf" /><param
oplay=0&wu=NDk1NjI2OQ" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent"
/><embed src="…0-fpf2.swf"
;autoplay=0&wu=NDk1NjI2OQ" width="160" height="400" wmode="transparent"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object>
Cowlisto's Mobile post sent by n2teaching using Utterz.
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