Thursday, February 12, 2009

With a Little Help From My Friends

Peace sprout by mj*laflaca
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
After writing an environmental project with various activities, I discovered that I couldn't decide what to name the Kitchen Composting Activity where students will receive 3 redworms, kitchen scraps (no protein or milk) and shredded paper to watch as the worms make soil through composting.

I NEED YOUR HELP! I hope you would select one of the titles that I have listed or suggest your own really cool title.

I hope you agree with me that this survey is a very effective use for Google Docs: Forms in educational processes, and I want to thank you in advance.


samccoy said...

Thanks! When I finish writing the project, I will post it on my wiki and share the link. Hopefully others will find it useful in their classes.

Grace Kat said...

This is very interesting. I'd like to know how you go. Also selected a title.

samccoy said...

Thanks Grace! I appreciate your excellent input!

Wm Chamberlain said...

We will be on it as soon as the movie finishes. Would you prefer us to vote once, or each student vote individually?