Thursday, February 26, 2009

March Math Madness

Pi Day CountdownEach year, Pi Day becomes more of an exciting learning opportunity for students, teachers and a growing number of the general public. The day can be a culminating experience or a jumping off spot for learning all the cool math surrounding Pi that is appropriate to your grade level. Next to the 100 Day (Zero to Hero) celebration, I think Pi Day is one of the most celebrated math days in schools.

If you participate in Pi Day, please share your links or descriptions of your celebrations...including pictures.

If you haven't started using Pi Day as a jumping off point for great learning and an opportunity for greater technology integration, you can start by reading Pi R Not Square, Pi R Round!. You will find a variety of ideas that can be implemented right away, as well as ways to make your celebration coordinate with others in your Professional Learning Network.Pi Day Countdown

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