The Cause by Shavar Ross
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License
While I'm not much a joiner, there are a few groups and activities that I believe deserve a multitude of participants.
If I do join a group, it's because the cause is educational and worthy in its mission. One of these is the ad hoc affiliation promoting the international blogging day, Ada Lovelace Day, Wednesday, March 24, 2010. It was initiated last year to recognize the aspirations and accomplishments of women in science, mathematics, engineering and technology.
Last year was their founding year, and I joined. I selected a young programmer, Tamsin Bowles, to honor on Ada Lovelace Day 2009. Read my
Ada Lovelace Day 2009 post.
I'd like to invite you, my readers, to join me and pledge to blog for the Ada Lovelace Day 2010. It's a very simple process:
- Go to the Finding Ada website.
- Complete the simple pledge form.
- Decide who you will blog about on Ada Lovelace Day 2010.
- Blog on Ada Lovelace Day 2010, Wednesday, March 24th.
- Link your blog post to the Finding Ada website.
- Share your blog post on your networks.
Additional Resources:
Who is Ada Lovelace?
Finding Ada Blog
Finding Ada on Twitter
Finding Ada FaceBook Group