Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Consells Medi Ambient

 Consells Medi Ambient) by Lari y Gafa; for EFL/ESL - also for science & environment; PSA funny!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Simon Brown shared September launch of GeoEye satellite at Vandeburg, California, USA. Now see their Christmas greeting: http://ping.fm/yD56t

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Interpreting the PLN

Photo by Sue Waters
Attribution-ShareAlike License

This wikispace, Franklinville: PLN, devoted to understanding the emergence of the Professional Learning Netowrk and its intersection with available web2.0 applications presents a unique perspective that others could easily use or modify for their own discussions. The authors, Tim Clarke and his colleague, Rick Weinberg, have a remarkable repertoire of materials.

Included on the wiki is an excellent video w/a Charles Leadbeater discussion of many of the aspects of various tools and links to those that we can employ to improve our best practice. He also discusses the similarity of thes 21st Century Professional Learning Networks with older more traditional networks.